Choose from an assortment of specifications

SuperSoft® untreated fluff pulp

Produced on six of our pulp machines in the Southeast United States, we offer a variety of untreated SuperSoft® fluff pulp, all with the highest quality, offering excellent shred quality and absorption properties for feminine care, incontinence care and baby care products.

SuperSoft® AIR® semi-treated fluff pulp

Semi-treated to fiberize easily with low static and uniform web formation, our SuperSoft® Air® fluff pulp is the ideal product for bed and pet pads, feminine care pads and wipes.

SuperSoft® AIR®+ fully-treated fluff pulp

SuperSoft® Air® + is fully treated to provide low fiberization energy, tremendous shred quality, and soft feel, perfect for airlaid processes, feminine care products and wipes.

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